Do you have to go to court if you file an injury claim? No, you do not have to go to court just because you filed a personal injury claim. Most cases settle without even having to file a lawsuit, but if we do have to file a lawsuit, then … Continue reading
Year: 2025

Manual labor can be dangerous and sometimes even deadly. In Texas, oil and gas drilling is life. It is one of the more common and most compensated jobs that someone can do. With that high paying job come risks. Oil field work injuries are more prone to occur. Accidents are … Continue reading
Texting and driving is not illegal in Texas in most situations unless you’re in a certain city; there are about 40 cities in Texas where it’s illegal to text and drive – Corpus Christi is one of them so you can’t text and drive here. Now there are also some … Continue reading

One of the first things that usually come up after an auto accident is the question of a rental vehicle. Likely you are without a vehicle and it’s your only mode of transportation so you may have been asking for rides and stuck depending on others. It is usually at … Continue reading

As a personal injury attorney in South Texas, I’m often involved with lawsuits and settlements involving minor children. Because the minor lacks the capacity to enter into a legal contract, how can a minor accept a settlement offer? Can the parents accept the settlement on behalf of the child? Does … Continue reading

Between the months of June and August, average high temperatures in Texas enter the danger zone and exceed 90-degrees Fahrenheit, and with that comes the risk of having a heat stroke. While most people think of Texas as a place where warm weather is a constant, residents and visitors to … Continue reading

Each year, there are more than 6 million automobile accidents in the United States! What should you do if you’re in one of these accidents? When you get in an auto accident, the crash is just the beginning. Here are the eight things you should do after getting in a … Continue reading

There are laws that everyone knows should never be broken such as murder, stealing, or even driving without insurance. Yet there are many laws that people do not realize they are breaking. Here are the most common laws that you, and probably me, break on a daily basis. Connecting to … Continue reading

Top Causes of Back Injuries in San Antonio The back including the vertebrae of the spine, the discs, and supporting musculature is extremely fragile considering how much support it provides the body. Pain from lower back injuries is considered the No. 1 medical complaint in America. While normal wear and … Continue reading

The oil and gas sector seems to be an industry with massive growth, and most people are eager to work in that sector. But most people that work at the refineries are putting their lives at risk because there are lots of dangers they tend to face while on the … Continue reading