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Annual State of the Corpus Christi Police Department

This morning was the annual State of the CCPD Breakfast where guests enjoy a hot meal, interact with members of the police force, and are entertained and educated by the Corpus Christi Police Chief’s state of address. He spoke in front of 750 attendees, almost double than those who attended last year’s State of the CCPD address, and focused on the relationship between the police department and the community. The event, which benefits the Corpus Christi Police Foundation, was able to raise over $100,000 in an effort to fund high priority law enforcement needs that are beyond the scope of the City budget. “One of our major successes has been the partnership that we have maintained with the community and other law enforcement,” Markel stated. “We have been very open and very transparent and we are going to continue that this year.”

The annual State of the Corpus Christi Police Department event serves as a platform for community engagement and transparency, highlighting key achievements, challenges, and future initiatives of the police force. This year’s event, attended by a record-breaking 750 guests, emphasized the importance of fostering a strong relationship between the police department and the community, underlining the significance of collaboration and communication in enhancing public safety and trust.

Key Points from the State of the CCPD Address

  • Community-Police Relations: The Police Chief’s address focused on the pivotal role of community-policing partnerships in maintaining public safety and building trust. By emphasizing the collaborative efforts between law enforcement agencies and the local community, the CCPD aims to strengthen relationships, improve communication, and address community concerns effectively.
  • Increased Attendance and Engagement: The substantial increase in attendance at this year’s event, almost double compared to the previous year, reflects growing community interest and support for law enforcement initiatives. The interactive nature of the breakfast allows guests to engage with police officers, fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility in ensuring the well-being of the community.

Fundraising and Support for Law Enforcement Needs

  • Corpus Christi Police Foundation: The event serves as a fundraising platform for the Corpus Christi Police Foundation, generating over $100,000 to support high-priority law enforcement needs that fall outside the City budget. These funds play a critical role in enhancing the capabilities of the CCPD, enabling them to address emerging challenges and implement innovative solutions to ensure public safety.
  • Partnerships and Transparency: Police Chief Markel highlighted the success of maintaining partnerships with the community and other law enforcement agencies, emphasizing the values of openness and transparency in police operations. By fostering a culture of accountability and communication, the CCPD strives to build trust, promote cooperation, and address issues collaboratively.

Continued Commitment to Community Engagement

  • Future Initiatives: The commitment to openness and transparency articulated in the address signifies the CCPD‘s dedication to maintaining a strong connection with the community. By actively engaging with residents, soliciting feedback, and implementing community-oriented policing strategies, the police department aims to enhance public safety, address concerns, and build a safer, more inclusive environment for all.

In conclusion, the annual State of the Corpus Christi Police Department Breakfast not only serves as a forum for highlighting achievements and challenges but also underscores the importance of fostering positive community-police relations, promoting transparency, and mobilizing support for law enforcement initiatives. Through collaboration, engagement, and proactive communication, the CCPD continues to uphold its commitment to serving and protecting the residents of Corpus Christi while building a safer and more resilient community.



Herrman and Herrman, P.L.L.C. is proud to be a sponsor of the Corpus Christi Police Foundation. They’ve created a ‘100 Club’ to offer those in the city the opportunity to support our officers. By becoming a member, you can help to protect our community and make Corpus Christi a safer place to live, work and raise our families. The organization is made up of community and business leaders along with citizens who strive to make a difference in the safety of our city. As City Councilwoman Lillian Riojas said, “we all have to work, collaborate, and partner up toward our goal, which is a safer Corpus Christi.”

Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.’s sponsorship of the Corpus Christi Police Foundation exemplifies the firm’s commitment to supporting law enforcement and enhancing community safety initiatives. Through the establishment of the ‘100 Club,’ individuals in the city are provided with a valuable opportunity to actively contribute to the protection and well-being of their community by supporting the dedicated efforts of police officers.

Role of the ‘100 Club

  • Community Support: By joining the ‘100 Club,’ members play a vital role in bolstering the capabilities of the Corpus Christi Police Department and advancing initiatives aimed at creating a safer environment for all residents. The collective contributions of individuals, community leaders, and businesses enable the foundation to fund essential programs, equipment, and resources that enhance law enforcement effectiveness.
  • Partnerships for Safety: The organization’s composition of community and business leaders, along with engaged citizens, underscores the collaborative approach to improving public safety in Corpus Christi. Through shared goals and coordinated efforts, the ‘100 Club‘ fosters partnerships that promote proactive crime prevention, community engagement, and support for law enforcement personnel.

Impact on Community Safety

  • Safer Living Environment: The support provided by the ‘100 Club‘ members directly contributes to the safety and security of Corpus Christi, creating a positive impact on the quality of life for residents. By investing in initiatives that strengthen law enforcement capabilities, the foundation plays a crucial role in ensuring that the city remains a desirable place to live, work, and raise families.
  • Community Engagement: City Councilwoman Lillian Riojas‘ emphasis on the importance of collaboration, partnership, and shared responsibility highlights the significance of community engagement in promoting a safer Corpus Christi. Through active involvement in supporting law enforcement efforts, residents demonstrate their commitment to building a cohesive and secure community for all.

Building a Safer Corpus Christi

  • Collective Action: The collective efforts of the Corpus Christi Police Foundation, Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., and community members exemplify a shared commitment to enhancing public safety. By working together toward a common goal of a safer city, stakeholders contribute to the creation of a supportive environment where law enforcement can effectively serve and protect the community.
  • Long-Term Impact: The ongoing support and engagement facilitated by the ‘100 Club‘ and similar initiatives have the potential to have a lasting impact on community safety. By investing in the well-being of Corpus Christi and empowering law enforcement agencies, residents contribute to the sustainability of efforts to prevent crime, address security challenges, and foster a sense of security and well-being among all citizens.

In summary, Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.’s sponsorship of the Corpus Christi Police Foundation‘s ‘100 Club‘ exemplifies a shared commitment to community safety, partnership, and collaboration in creating a safer and more secure environment for residents of Corpus Christi. Through active participation, support, and engagement, individuals can play a pivotal role in shaping a community where safety, trust, and unity prevail.

For questions regarding the Corpus Christi Police Foundation or the 100 Club, please call 361-549-4179 or visit their website online at www.supportccpd.org.