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Boat Safety in the Coastal Bend

Boat Safety

If you’ve ever been in the Corpus Christi Bay you quickly notice the numerous boats and jet ski’s shredding up the waves. What you also begin to realize is that the normal rules of the road don’t necessarily apply while operating a water vessel. Therefore, driving a boat or jet ski could be very dangerous for someone who with little or no experience.

As the summer continues and people of the Greater Rio Grande Valley are on vacation, there will be more and more water vessels on the bay. It’s imperative that the owners and operators of these vehicles understand and obey the laws of the waterway. If you’re new to boating or just purchased a boat there are several classes you can take to help you legally navigate the Corpus Christi Bay waters.

What to do?

If you have been involved in an accident in the Gulf Coast it’s important to file a report as soon as possible. The United States Coast Guard states that the operator of each watercraft is responsible for filing within the first 48 hours of a water vehicle collision. In the report, you must list if the accident involves a personal injury that requires medical attention beyond first aid and if a person is missing from the watercraft or if a death is suspected.

Whether you’re planning to purchase your own boat or you’re simply renting a couple jet ski’s for the weekend, it’s important to always plan ahead and put safety first. Make sure that you’re not consuming alcoholic beverages and you have the correct number of life jackets on board the vessel. The Corpus Christi Bay can be an extremely fun and adventurous place to spend your summer weekend. However, the shoreline can also be very unforgiving if you don’t take the proper precautions before leaving the dock.