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Category: Articles

What is a Summary Jury Trial?

Summary Jury Trials No one ever plans on getting into a car wreck, and a serious collision can have a negative lasting effect on a person or family. When a Plaintiff is injured, often times the costly and timely process of litigation can be avoided or seriously reduced with the … Continue reading

Personal Injury Lawyers: Beyond the Stereotypes

The stereotypes surrounding the legal profession have been a part of society for centuries. Lawyers have been despised or looked down upon in many cultures, in much the same way that tax collectors were viewed in ancient societies – not that the taxman’s reputation has improved much in the last … Continue reading

Reservation of Rights Defense

The term “Reservation of Rights” is often heard in the context of auto insurance claims and coverage. This term can be confusing, and can often lead to frustrations for those trying to make a property and/or injury claim against an insurance carrier for damages sustained in a motor vehicle collision. … Continue reading

Newest Vehicle Safety Features For This Year

In 2024, the automotive industry is witnessing unprecedented advancements in safety technology, with manufacturers pushing the boundaries to enhance vehicle safety and mitigate the risks associated with driving. As technology continues to evolve, the emphasis on developing innovative safety features has become a focal point for car manufacturers. From advanced … Continue reading

What is a Moderated Settlement Conference?

Moderated Settlement Conference No one ever plans on getting into a car wreck, and a serious collision can have a negative lasting effect on a person or family. When a Plaintiff is injured, often times the costly and timely process of litigation can be avoided or seriously reduced with the … Continue reading

Picking the right motorcycle dealer

Finding the right motorcycle dealer for you can be daunting, especially if you’re new to the world of motorcycles. With so many options available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. However, with some knowledge and helpful tips, you’ll be able to find the perfect motorcycle … Continue reading

Does Tort Reform Really Drive Down The Cost Of Health Care?

The decades-long debate over rising health care costs is without successful resolution. Some consider tort reform, or medical malpractice reform, the most definitive way to eliminate “frivolous malpractice lawsuits,” which will then, in turn, drive down the cost of health care. The question is, does tort reform significantly reduce health … Continue reading

Corpus Christi Police Focus on Drag Racing

Too Fast for the Streets of Corpus Christi Statistics show that driving too fast can lead to devastating crashes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 37 percent of traffic fatalities in Texas, in 2012, were related to speeding, including 16 deaths in Nueces County and one in … Continue reading