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Category: Articles

Never Say These 3 Things After a Car Accident

Car accidents are caused by various reasons including brake failure, other cars, speeding, humans, animals, drunkenness, inanimate objects, etc. We hear of car accidents every day of our lives and hope we don’t get into one.  Car accidents can be very frightening and can cause great damages to cars, humans, … Continue reading

COVID 19 Updates From Herrman & Herrman

Can Victims of COVID-19 Sue for Personal Injury? Coronavirus has impacted thousands of lives directly, and even more lives indirectly. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or have died from the virus, it is natural to wonder what your options might be, legally and otherwise. … Continue reading

Activities in Corpus Christi During Spring Break

As winter break fades into a distant memory and the familiar rhythm of school resumes, a collective anticipation begins to simmer, signaling the arrival of another eagerly awaited break on the academic calendar – spring break. Originally conceived as a respite for college students to reconnect with family, catch up … Continue reading

Motorcycle accident lawyer’s 7 essential tools for the Do-It-Yourself motorcycle mechanic

Motorcycling is not just a mode of transportation; for many, it’s a passion, a lifestyle. The allure of the open road, the sense of freedom, and the joy of maintaining and customizing one’s motorcycle are aspects many enthusiasts cherish deeply. Indeed, the ability to work on one’s motorcycle—whether for routine … Continue reading

6 Signs of Brain Damage to Look Out For

In the aftermath of an auto accident, sports collision, or any event involving sudden impact, the possibility of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) looms as a serious concern. Traumatic brain injuries are among the most severe and complex injuries one can sustain, often with lasting effects that can alter every … Continue reading