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Category: Articles

¿Lesionado en el Trabajo en Texas? Conoce tus Derechos

Los trabajos son entornos en los que pasamos gran parte de nuestro tiempo, solo superados por el hogar. Sin embargo, a veces el trabajo implica un comportamiento potencialmente riesgoso o peligroso, especialmente si trabaja en un oficio como la construcción o la contratación que se centra en el trabajo o … Continue reading

Injured at Work in Texas? Know Your Rights

Jobs are environments where we spend a lot of our time, second only to home. However, sometimes work involves potentially risky or dangerous behavior, particularly if you work in a trade like construction or contracting that focuses on physical labor or tasks. If you’re injured at work, you need to … Continue reading

La responsabilidad del médico por prescripción excesiva y abuso de opioides

Los opioides son medicamentos increíblemente potentes que se usan para tratar el dolor, a menudo recetados para combatir el dolor después de las cirugías. Sin embargo, las recetas de opioides también pueden ser peligrosas y adictivas. Se ha demostrado que la prescripción excesiva de opioides es una de las principales … Continue reading

A Doctor’s Liability for Opioid Over Prescription and Abuse

Opioids, revered for their unparalleled potency in alleviating pain, have long been a cornerstone of pain management strategies, particularly in post-surgical contexts. These powerful drugs, while undeniably effective in providing relief from acute pain, carry with them a significant risk of addiction and misuse. The perilous consequences of opioid over-prescription … Continue reading

Demandas de Talco en Polvo: lo que Debe Saber

En 2018, se informó que Johnson & Johnson, un conocido fabricante de productos para el cuidado personal y la higiene del hogar, estaba proporcionando a sabiendas productos en polvo para bebés contaminados con asbesto, un mineral conocido que causa cáncer. Sin embargo, Johnson & Johnson no reveló este hecho a … Continue reading

Talcum Powder Lawsuits: What to Know

In 2018, it was reported that the big-name personal care and home hygiene manufacturer Johnson & Johnson was knowingly providing baby powder products contaminated with asbestos, a known cancer-causing mineral. However, Johnson & Johnson did not reveal this fact to any of their distributors or individual consumers. The fact that … Continue reading

3M Earplugs May Cause Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

In the intricate tapestry of military service, where the pursuit of duty unfolds against the backdrop of sacrifices made and risks undertaken, the safeguarding of one’s health, particularly sensory well-being, is paramount. In 2018, a bombshell reverberated through the legal corridors when a lawsuit was levied against the renowned earplug … Continue reading