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Category: Articles

Where Is Vaping Banned, And Why?

With smoke-related diseases on the rise among young people, American society is looking into how vaping or e-cigarette could be the silent cause. Vaping was introduced into the market to curb the effect of excess smoking but obviously, the purpose was not met. As more people fall victim to illnesses … Continue reading

Apartment Fires In Texas – Who Is Liable?

Fire accidents are among the most devastating events that can befall individuals and communities, leaving behind a trail of trauma, injury, loss of lives, and significant destruction of properties. For those who survive, the aftermath is often characterized by a state of turmoil, with victims plunged into a labyrinth of … Continue reading

Dealing with Head Injuries in San Antonio Car Accidents

Among the most serious injuries suffered in car accidents are head injuries. Motor vehicle crashes are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) requiring hospitalization among adolescents and adults ages 15 to 44 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Head injuries, which … Continue reading

5 Steps To Take After a Hit & Run Accident

Hit and run accidents in Texas have emerged as a significant source of concern for innocent motorists, prompting a pressing need for proactive measures to safeguard both individuals and their rights in the event of such incidents. In light of these escalating concerns, it becomes imperative for individuals to arm … Continue reading

TxDOT Texas Law: Move Over or Slow Down?

Law enforcement agencies and the government have been trying so hard to help save lives from highest accidents from reckless drivers. But as the year passes by, it is realized that the law enforcement agents and traffic workers are the ones most involved in these high way accidents, hence, prompting … Continue reading

Tips to Avoid Rip Currents in TX

Did you know you there were six surf and four rip current fatalities in Texas in 2018 alone? According to the United States life-saving association, over 100 people die due to rip current related incidents. We know how fun it is to hang out with friends and family at the … Continue reading

Texas Oil Field Work Injuries

Manual labor can be dangerous and sometimes even deadly. In Texas, oil and gas drilling is life. It is one of the more common and most compensated jobs that someone can do. With that high paying job come risks. Oil field work injuries are more prone to occur. Accidents are … Continue reading

How Do I Get A Rental After My Car Wreck?

One of the first things that usually come up after an auto accident is the question of a rental vehicle. Likely you are without a vehicle and it’s your only mode of transportation so you may have been asking for rides and stuck depending on others. It is usually at … Continue reading