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Category: Articles

My Airbag Didn’t Deploy: Who’s at Fault?

If you’re in a car accident and your airbag did not deploy, it’s likely that you’re feeling a bit traumatized. Being injured in a car accident is one thing but being injured as a result of a safety feature not working correctly is completely different. It’s hard to know who … Continue reading

Todas Las Características de Seguridad de su Automóvil: Lo Que Debe Saber

Ser un conductor seguro es más que estar alerta y atento mientras conduce, también se trata de estar familiarizado con las características de seguridad incluidas en su vehículo. Si se siente perdido acerca de las características de seguridad de su vehículo, aquí tiene una guía rápida para conocer los diferentes … Continue reading

All the Safety Features in Your Car : What to Know

In the vast expanse of modern automotive engineering, safety features play a pivotal role in safeguarding passengers from the myriad of dangers that lurk on the road. Among these features, the simple act of a driver putting on a seat belt stands as a fundamental yet crucial measure of protection. … Continue reading

Common Causes of Brush Fires in Corpus Christi

News of Chief John Davis of Nueces County Emergency Service District 3 being injured while battling a brush fire in Bishop last month reminds us that Texas wildfires destroy more than property. It should also serve as a reminder that firefighters injured on the job can obtain workers’ compensation to … Continue reading

Privacidad en Línea Para Menores: COPPA y su Hijo

Si eres el padre de un niño menor de 13 años, es probable que seas muy protector con su seguridad en todos los aspectos. Sin embargo, Internet crea una serie completamente nueva de problemas de seguridad y privacidad para su hijo. Sin embargo, existen regulaciones para proteger la privacidad de … Continue reading

Online Privacy for Minors: COPPA and Your Child

If you are the parent of a young child under 13, you’re likely very protective over their safety in all aspects. However, the Internet creates a whole new host of safety and privacy issues for your child. There are regulations in place, though, to protect your child’s privacy if they … Continue reading