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Category: Articles

Los Coches Más Seguros de 2019-2020

Si está buscando un vehículo de motor nuevo, la seguridad debe ser una de sus principales preocupaciones. Los autos seguros son más confiables en cualquier clima y tienen menos posibilidades de averiarse inesperadamente. Por lo tanto, un automóvil seguro que ha sido altamente calificado por el Instituto de Seguridad en … Continue reading

The Top Safest Cars of 2019-2020

If you’re looking for a new motor vehicle, safety has got to be one of your top concerns. Safe cars are more reliable in all weather, and have a lower chance of breaking down unexpectedly. Thus, a safe car that has been highly rated by the Institute for Highway Safety … Continue reading

Los Peligros de Conducir Distraído

En la época actual, los teléfonos móviles están prácticamente adheridos a la cadera de cada persona. Estamos constantemente enviando mensajes de texto, videollamadas y chateando por teléfono. Esto crea un gran problema al conducir, ya que crea un problema llamado “conducción distraída”. Aquellos que conducen distraídos a menudo prestan atención … Continue reading

The Dangers of Distracted Driving

In today’s day and age, cellphones are practically attached to each persons’ hip. We are constantly texting, video calling, and chatting on the phone. This creates a huge problem when driving as it create an issue called “distracted driving.” Those who drive distractedly are often paying attention to their cell … Continue reading

How to Prevent Car Theft in San Antonio

Imagine the feelings of helplessness and anger you’d feel after walking out of your home, office, or a store and realizing that your car or truck has been stolen. On top of the monetary loss, there’s the inconvenience of having to arrange a ride and the sense of violation. You’ll … Continue reading