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Category: Articles

What are Interrogatories?

Once a suit is filed in a case, there is the discovery process. Part of discovery is what is called “interrogatories”. These are a formal set of written questions given from one side of litigation to the other. These questions are to be answered truthfully, under oath, from the party … Continue reading

Request for Production

In litigation, there is a discovery process. Request for production, or “RFP’s”, is a legal request in the process of litigation for obtaining documents. These documents can be electronically stored or they can be other tangible items requested in the course and scope of litigation. Some examples of documents produced … Continue reading

Business Entities and Recovering from Your Personal Injury Claim

Business organizations are made up by state law.  In Texas, there are numerous types of business entities that the law allows.  For instance, there are sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies.   Additionally, there are subcategories of partnerships and corporations, such as limited liability companies and professional corporations. This … Continue reading

Main Types of Back Surgeries

Having back surgery is a serious procedure for someone to have. The truth of the matter is back surgery may be the only solution for someone who was in a major automobile collision. Any type of back surgery is a highly invasive procedure. There are real risks involved with each … Continue reading

Do I Really Need To Wear A Seat Belt?

In short, YES, you need to wear a seat belt.  Here is why.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration seat belts saved an estimated 13,941 in 2015. Almost half of the over thirty-five thousand people killed in vehicle crashes in 2015 were not wearing seat belts.  The National … Continue reading

What is a Release?

There are certain legal buzzwords that attorneys throw around that the client may not fully understand. One of these legal words is a “Release”. But what is a release? What am I releasing? When does a release need to be signed? In short, a release is a legal document that … Continue reading