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Category: Car Accidents

Driving Without a Seat Belt: Can I be Compensated?

Texas law requires drivers and passengers to wear seat belts, but not everyone follows the law. Data from the Texas Department of Transportation show that 924 people who were not wearing seat belts died in car accidents in 2019. Not wearing a seat belt often results in more severe injuries … Continue reading

Driverless Car Accident in Texas: Who is Liable?

With driver error accounting for a significant portion of motor vehicle accidents in Texas and across the country, auto manufacturers have been working to develop driverless cars, which will transport passengers without any need for human control to guide the vehicle. The thinking goes that removing the element of human … Continue reading

Liability in a Multi-Car Accident in McAllen

A car accident can be more complicated to resolve when multiple vehicles are involved. Determining liability, for example, is both crucial and challenging in a multi-vehicle crash. It often involves dealing with two or more insurance companies when seeking compensation for your injuries and losses. Insurance companies may try to … Continue reading

Proving Distracted Driving in a Car Accident

If you’ve been involved in a collision with a driver who was distracted, you might feel confident that you’re owed compensation from them. If the driver was texting, talking on the phone, eating or drinking, or doing anything to divert their full attention from the road, you may be eligible … Continue reading

How is “Pain and Suffering” Calculated?

In many personal injury or negligence cases. The party that has incurred a personal injury is eligible to recover financial damages from what is known as “pain and suffering.” Pain and suffering refer to those emotional and physical effects as a result of injuries. This is typically classified as “non-economic … Continue reading

¿Qué Hacer Después de un Accidente de Choque y Fuga?

Cuando ocurre un accidente de auto en McAllen o en cualquier lugar del Valle del Río Grande, la ley de Texas exige que los conductores se detengan, intercambien información y ofrezcan asistencia a cualquier persona que resultara herida en el accidente. Sin embargo, a veces los conductores ignoran sus obligaciones … Continue reading