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Category: Car Accidents

La ley de Texas requiere que los conductores y pasajeros usen cinturones de seguridad, pero no todos siguen la ley. Los datos del Departamento de Transporte de Texas muestran que 924 personas que no usaban cinturones de seguridad murieron en accidentes de auto en el 2019. No usar el cinturón … Continue reading

How Car Accident Fault is Determined in Texas

If you have been involved in a car accident in Texas, whether you were struck or accidentally struck someone else, it may be confusing to think about how the car accident’s fault will be determined. In some cases, there is fault on both sides. Here’s what you need to know … Continue reading

Single-vehicle collision reported in Alton

ALTON, TX – Officers with the Alton Police Department responded to a single-vehicle crash outside of a local residence last Wednesday morning. The incident occurred near the intersection of San Antonio Street and Truman Avenue off of Stewart Boulevard at about 7:30 a.m. Officials believe the 30-year-old man behind the … Continue reading

Uber Security: Are You Safe?

In recent years, real-time ridesharing has become a popular way for many city dwellers to get from one place to another by paying ride-sourcing drivers to transport them in much the same way they would outsource to a taxi service. Unlike most taxi services, however, these services involve private drivers … Continue reading