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Category: Negligence Claims

In today’s interconnected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From tweeting and posting to blogging and gramming, we all engage with various platforms to share our experiences. While social media offers a great way to stay connected with friends and family and stay informed … Continue reading

My Texas PIP Benefits Are Exhausted – What Do I Do?

Drivers who are serious about protecting themselves and those who ride with them know that auto insurance is an essential component in any safety strategy. Without insurance, any driver who found himself in an accident – and millions do each year – could be faced with the prospect of covering … Continue reading

Why Has the Insurance Denied My Claim?

The term “Reservation of Rights” is often heard in the context of auto insurance claims and coverage. This term can be confusing, and can often lead to frustrations for those trying to make a property and/or injury claim against an insurance carrier for damages sustained in a motor vehicle collision. … Continue reading

Is There a Deadline to Make a Claim?

All states have an imposed deadline or time period coded in law that limits the time a party can make a claim. This time limit, otherwise known as the Statute of Limitations for personal injury claims is 2 years in the State of Texas. This means that if you are … Continue reading

Stay Calm, and ‘Carry’ On

The first day of the New Year marks the beginning of many things, gym memberships, saying goodbye to cigarettes, and for qualified Texas residents the ability to openly carry handguns. Effective January 1st, 2016 Texas house bill 910 will become law and allow Texas residents to legally carry a handgun … Continue reading

Should You Let Your Friend Borrow Your Car?

It’s all likely happened to us at some point or another: your friend/family member asks to borrow your car. Maybe he/she is just running down to the store for a few minutes. Or, maybe borrowing it for the day to get to work because his/her car is in the shop. … Continue reading