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Category: Personal Injury

What is a Deposition?

Unfortunately, not all cases can be solved without filing suit. As a case moves forward to the litigation process the client now has to become part of the legal proceedings. One of these proceedings is called a deposition. A deposition is an out-of-court oral testimony of a witness that is … Continue reading

Police Reports for Car Wrecks

If you were involved in a car accident in Texas where someone was injured, chances are the police were called and you were given a police report number. This police report is important for several reasons. First, the police report is going to give you all the other party’s information. … Continue reading

Ride Sharing: What If I Get Injured?

Ride- sharing is a fairly new, savvy, cutting edge, and popular mode of transportation that has broken out in the last decade, and has gained recent steam and the go-to choice of transportation for many young adults and millennials. According to the Oxford Dictionary, ride-sharing can be defined as an … Continue reading

3 Main Types of Driver Distraction

Driver distraction is quickly becoming one of the leading causes of injury accidents both here in Texas and throughout the rest of the nation. Anytime your hands come off the wheel, your eyes wander away from the road or your attention is drawn elsewhere while you are driving, the results … Continue reading

What Our Driving Habits Reveal About How Accidents Occur

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety published the American Driving Survey providing a fascinating snapshot of our daily driving habits. The foundation’s goal is to reduce injuries, prevent crashes and save lives by educating the public about traffic safety. The survey, involving personal interviews with 3,319 drivers, revealed some interesting facts about … Continue reading

Risks on Texas Roads

The sight of orange cones and caution signs signaling road construction on roads often makes commuters grumble. Work zones signal congestion and delays. However, the alternative is driving on broken-down roads – an unappealing choice for many. Texas is having a difficult time keeping up with the maintenance of the … Continue reading

Oil Industry Has Most Explosions of Any Industry

The oil industry has seen more fatalities from explosions than any other private industry, according to an Environment & Energy Daily article on WyoFile. More than 10 percent of all job-related fatalities can be directly attributed to oil industry explosions and fires – despite the fact the oil industry only employs approximately one percent … Continue reading

How Do I Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

It happens to us all. At some point in our lives, we are more than likely going to be in a motor vehicle collision. Whether it’s your fault or not you’ll be forced to deal with the frustration of the incident, the property damage to your vehicle, and your bodily … Continue reading