As far as when should you hire a lawyer, generally you should hire one immediately. And the reason is, the other person who is the potential defendant is going to notify their insurance carrier and they’re going to go out to the scene of the accident, and they’re going … Continue reading
Category: Motor Vehicle Accidents

Commuters and others who regularly drive in San Antonio are well aware of Bexar County’s heavy traffic and the frequency of car accidents. What emerges under closer inspection is that many car accidents occur at intersections, and that some intersections – due to design, traffic volume or other factors – … Continue reading

No one expects to get hit by a car while walking. We learn while very young to look both ways and to cross the street with the lights. But highways in Corpus Christi have grown wider and intersections busier. Half of the fatal traffic accidents that occurred in Corpus Christi in 2018 … Continue reading

Brownsville recently debuted a pedicab service as a transportation option for tourists and residents in its historic downtown. A pedicab is a pedaled tricycle taxi with a driver on a bicycle seat holding handlebars up front and a bench seat for passengers behind. Pedicabs are promoted as an environmentally friendly … Continue reading
Drunk driving accidents continue to be a deadly threat on American roads, and Texas has the dubious distinction of consistently ranking among the states with the highest number of drunk driving fatalities year after year. This alarming trend underscores a persistent issue that has plagued the state for decades, despite … Continue reading

With Texas DOT statistics showing more than 3,300 fatal car accidents in a year across Texas, Corpus Christi and Nueces County residents might wonder how often people are killed in car accidents in their home on Texas’ Coastal Bend. The most recently published TX DOT Texas Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics … Continue reading

Texas had the most deaths in car accidents of any state in the union in 2018, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says. There were 3,303 fatal motor vehicle accidents and 3,639 deaths across Texas in 2018, according to Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics published by the Texas Department of … Continue reading

Several Texas highways, including a 145-mile interstate between Corpus Christi and San Antonio, have been called among the worst in the nation for drowsy or fatigued driving fatalities. Texas counties as a whole including Hidalgo County appear near the top of various counts of sleep-related car accident fatalities. “Falling Asleep … Continue reading
Texting and driving is not illegal in Texas in most situations unless you’re in a certain city; there are about 40 cities in Texas where it’s illegal to text and drive – Corpus Christi is one of them so you can’t text and drive here. Now there are also some … Continue reading

Each year, there are more than 6 million automobile accidents in the United States! What should you do if you’re in one of these accidents? When you get in an auto accident, the crash is just the beginning. Here are the eight things you should do after getting in a … Continue reading