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Category: Workplace Accidents and Injuries

Common Types of Industrial Accidents

Industrial accidents are some of the most unfortunate, as they often result in personal injuries. This type of accident and workplace accidents can also put employees out of work or out of a job, depending on their injuries. Industrial accidents are commonly the subject of workers’ compensation claims and cases. … Continue reading

Workplace Safety: The Ongoing Struggle for Better Protection

For most of human history, workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities were simply seen as an unfortunate but inevitable part of the job. Whether in agriculture, manufacturing, or the early days of the Industrial Revolution, workers faced significant risks without the benefit of modern safety protocols or protections. It wasn’t until … Continue reading

What are my legal rights if I am injured on the job?

In the past, when an employee sustained an on-the-job injury he or she would simply file a workers’ compensation claim and receive benefits covering medical expenses and a reasonable percentage of lost wages. Most employers under state laws are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. It’s a “no-fault” system, meaning … Continue reading

Oil Industry Has Most Explosions of Any Industry

The oil industry has seen more fatalities from explosions than any other private industry, according to an Environment & Energy Daily article on WyoFile. More than 10 percent of all job-related fatalities can be directly attributed to oil industry explosions and fires – despite the fact the oil industry only employs approximately one percent … Continue reading

Injuries On the Job Caused by Equipment

Certain types of jobs pose a far higher risk to employees than others. Construction workers, oil rig workers, and miners are just a few of the occupations having a high risk of suffering from injuries. Accidents in the workplace can and do happen all the time. Equipment failure is a … Continue reading

Muscle Strain the Top Cause of Texas Job Injuries

Muscle strains are the leading cause of workplace injuries in Texas, according to a new study by Travelers Insurance. The company’s workers’ compensation data show that muscle strains accounted for a quarter of on-the-job injuries in the state in 2013. In fact, there were more muscle strains than the next … Continue reading