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Cyclists Are Not Safe on San Antonio Roads According To Recent Reports

If you ride a bicycle on San Antonio roads or elsewhere in Bexar County, you are risking your life in a bicycle accident, according to recent reports.

Most striking is a report from Texas Public Radio (TPR) headlined “San Antonio Roads Aren’t Safe for Cyclists.” It says 29 people were killed or seriously injured while riding a bike in San Antonio in 2018 – more than two every month – representing an increase from 2017.

TPR reports the deaths of at least two cyclists in the first few months of 2019 and there have been more since, including a 40-year-old man killed in a bicycle accident at Blanco Road and Dresden Drive on San Antonio’s North Side on the evening of October 30.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said that three cyclists were among 146 total traffic fatalities in San Antonio in 2017. Cyclists made up 2.1% of traffic fatalities in San Antonio.

Bexar County Among Most Dangerous for Fatal Bicycle Accidents

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) reported 2,426 total cyclist crashes statewide in Texas in 2018, including 617 fatal accidents and 621 deaths.

Share the Road Texas says statistics from 2009 to 2014 demonstrate that Bexar, Harris, Travis, Dallas, and Tarrant counties are the most dangerous in the state for bicyclists:

  • Bexar County (San Antonio): 595 total bicycle/auto crashes, 14 fatalities
  • Harris County (Houston): 1,149 total bicycle/auto crashes, 46 fatalities
  • Travis County (Austin): 1,112 total bicycle/auto crashes, 11 fatalities
  • Dallas County: 681 total bicycle/auto crashes, 16 fatalities
  • Tarrant County (Fort Worth): 459 total bicycle/auto crashes, 9 fatalities

Share the Road Texas says two-thirds of bicycle crash injuries occurred on city streets and the largest percentage of bicycle crash fatalities (33%) occurred on U.S. and state highways. Not surprisingly, crashes that happen on higher-speed roads are more likely to result in fatalities, the organization says.

NHTSA says that, across the country, three-fourths of bicyclists and other cyclists, including riders of two-wheel, nonmotorized vehicles, tricycles and unicycles powered solely by pedals who died in motor vehicle crashes in 2017 died in crashes in urban areas.

According to NHTSA:

  • 96% of cyclists killed were in crashes involving a single motor vehicle.
  • 27% of cyclist fatalities occurred at intersections, and 63% did not. The remaining 10% percent occurred at other locations, such as roadsides/shoulders, parking lanes/zones, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and medians/crossing islands.
  • Slightly more cyclist fatalities occurred in daylight crashes (48%) compared to when it was dark (47%).
  • Cyclists were struck by the front of the motor vehicle in 82 percent of fatal crashes.
  • Light trucks were the type of vehicle most frequently involved in motor vehicle crashes in which a cyclist was killed. 44% of cyclists killed were hit by light trucks.
  • When a large truck was involved in a fatal cyclist accident, the vehicle’s right side was the collision point 28 percent of the time, compared to 7 percent in passenger car accidents. This could be due to the wide right turns required of large trucks, NHTSA says.

Cyclists Call for More Bike Lanes in San Antonio

The bicycling advocacy group Bike San Antonio is petitioning the city to establish a bikeway with a physical protective barrier along the three-mile length of the Broadway Street Bond Project.

The group says 53% of people would like to bike more but are concerned about their safety from car traffic. Bike lanes not only benefit the individual, but also businesses. In New York City, the addition of a protected bike lane on two major streets led to “a 50% increase in sales receipts.”

“This is an excellent opportunity to showcase San Antonio as a city of the future, a city that cares about the safety/needs of its citizens, and a city that understands more bikes on the road is a good thing,” Bike San Antonio says.

However, city engineers and consultants say there is not enough room to add protected bike lanes on the lower, mile-long section of Broadway, where the City expects commercial growth, according to the Rivard Report. Others argue that voters approved the “complete street” project with the understanding that bike lanes would be included and that provisions of the 2010 River North Zoning plan include a transportation design plan with a five-foot bike lane suggested for lower Broadway from 3rd Street to Jones Avenue.

Previously, the Rivard Report said the city was planning to put protected lanes on Avenue B and North Alamo Street, which run parallel to Broadway, with a $6 million reimbursement deal from the Midtown Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ).

Cyclist Brian Clements said during a mass bicycle ride down Broadway that the Avenue B and North Alamo Street compromise won’t push more experienced cyclists off of Broadway Street, and therefore would not significantly improve safety for cyclists.

“There’s a bunch of riders, people like myself, who won’t get off Broadway, bike lane or not,” he said.

A required zoning change for bike lanes on Broadway would be considered first by the Zoning Commission, which would make a recommendation to City Council, the Rivard Report said. No meeting had been scheduled as of the November 1 report because the zoning change request has not yet been submitted by City staff.

Seek Help From a San Antonio Bicycle Accident Attorney

Under Texas law, injured cyclists may have a right to seek financial compensation for their economic and noneconomic losses in a bicycle accident caused by a motorist. The attorneys of Herrman & Herrman have extensive knowledge and experience in bicycle accident cases, and we are proud of our record of success in helping injured victims and their families in the greater San Antonio area.


If you or a loved one has been injured in a San Antonio bicycle accident, speak with one of our compassionate bike law attorneys as soon as possible. Call now at (361) 882-4357 to schedule a free initial consultation so we can discuss your legal options.


Our Texas personal injury lawyers help clients who have suffered injuries in various accidents.

We can help you if you have been harmed by the following:

  • Car accidents – Our lawyers have extensive experience handling car accident cases. We will work to identify the party or parties at fault for the crash and build a case to demonstrate persuasively how the parties caused the accident and your injuries. We will seek fair and full compensation through a negotiated settlement or at trial if necessary.
  • Truck accidents – Thousands of large commercial trucks travel the roads of Texas every single day. Unfortunately, careless truck drivers and trucking companies disregarding safety put innocent people at risk of serious injuries. If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, let our experienced Texas personal injury lawyers stand up to the trucking companies and insurers on your behalf.
  • Motorcycle accidents – Motorcycle riders often suffer grievous injuries in crashes caused by other motorists. Too many motorcycle accidents in Corpus Christi are caused by careless drivers who don’t look for motorcycle riders or violate their right of way. Our personal injury lawyers will work to cut through the bias and stigma against motorcycle riders. Our goal is to seek the financial compensation that you’ll need to recover from a serious motorcycle accident and injuries such as bone fractures, road rash, or traumatic brain injury.
  • Product liability – Product manufacturers have a legal obligation to make products that are safe for their intended uses and to warn consumers of any risks that may come with the product. When products have design or manufacturing defects or undisclosed dangers, the product manufacturer may be legally responsible for injuries suffered by consumers. Our attorneys can help you evaluate whether you have a valid product liability claim.
  • Brain injury – Brain injuries can leave accident victims with disabilities that leave them unable to work or perform many tasks of daily living. Seeking compensation for a brain injury in an accident often proves incredibly complex. The brain injury survivor may seek compensation for anticipated future medical care and the medical care already provided. Our personal injury lawyers can help you through the difficult recovery process following a brain injury and will fight to make sure you have the resources you need.
  • Spinal injury – Spinal cord injuries could cost millions of dollars of care over the course of the victim’s lifetime, especially when those injuries result in partial or complete paralysis, such as paraplegia or quadriplegia. If you or your loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury, you deserve compassionate legal representation. Our attorney can help you determine whether you may be entitled to claim compensation for your injury and expenses related to living with the disability, such as making a home more accessible.
  • Wrongful death – If you have lost a loved one due to the negligent or reckless actions of another party, your family deserves to seek accountability and compensation from those at fault for the wrongful death. Our caring and dedicated attorneys can help guide you and your family through this difficult and painful time and seek justice for your loved one.
motorcycle accident lawyers


With over 100 years of combined experience among the legal team of Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., our Texas personal injury attorneys have successfully resolved over 20,000 cases. When representing injured Texas residents, we fight for justice against wrongdoing and aggressively pursue the best resolution to complex personal injury claims.
If you or a loved one was injured, please get in touch with us for a free initial consultation and case evaluation. Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., is a locally based law firm that holds negligent individuals and companies accountable for their wrongdoing. We are not a personal injury mill that advertises nationwide. We provide individualized advocacy in attending to all aspects of claims that involve. Our firm has offices in the following locations: Corpus ChristiCorpus Christi South SideDallasBrownsvilleMcAllenSan AntonioAustinHouston, and Ft. Worth, TX.
We remain by our client’s side, handling all aspects of their claims and attending to all legal, medical, and financial needs. That dedication combines experience, legal knowledge, and insight from a former insurance adjuster and several former insurance defense attorneys. Whether our clients suffer from physical pain from an accident or the emotional grief of death, we treat clients with compassion. We put their mind at ease during difficult times by answering their questions concerning the length of their claim, medical bills, financial compensation, and their overall need for a lawyer.

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