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How Long Does it take for my Case to Settle?

While working on personal injury cases for clients involving car wrecks in Brownsville Texas, there are several questions that I get asked the most. One of those frequently asked questions is: How long will it take for my case to settle?” While this is a simple question for a client to ask, it’s very difficult to answer. In my experience, the average case takes 6-8 months from the time of the accident to the day you receive a final check. However, there are several factors involved in how long it may take for a client to receive a check after a car accident.  

The first thing we must establish is every case is different. While no two accidents are the same, the facts tend to put each case on a different path to settlement. Whether the insurance company is contesting liability or the case needs a private investigator to track down coverage for a client, the timeline is dependent on the facts.   

Secondly, treatment plays a role in the time it takes to settle. Some clients who I represent were involved in a relatively minor car accident. For those clients, they may only need a few weeks of chiropractic therapy to get them feeling how they were prior to the accident. Other clients were involved in 18-wheeler car crashes where the vehicle they were in rolled over several times. For those folks, chiropractic therapy may not be enough. The clients that were involved in a more severe car wreck may be in need of surgery and physical rehabilitation. That kind of treatment could take months if not years. You do not want to settle a case before all treatment is complete and we have a comprehensive list of all medical bills and records.  

Third, but not leastif we are unable to come to a reasonable pre-suit settlement, filing on the case may be necessary. Filing suit sends the case into litigation and it may be months or even sometimes years before a case is resolved. For this reason, it is always my goal to settle a case prior to filing suit. However, there are instances when suit is absolutely necessary.  

In conclusion, the average time it takes to settle a case from “wreck to check” is roughly six to eight months. However, many factors play an important role in this timeline. It is my goal as an attorney to get you the best and quickest settlement possible. However, there are times that patience is necessary and no two cases are alike.