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How Social Media Can RUIN Your Personal Injury Case

Anything you say now will be used against you in the court of law. It’s popular saying we hear all the time in movies and real-life scenarios. This also applies to social media and unfortunately so many people don’t know whatever they post on social media can be used against them on a personal injury claim.

Currently, Social media is an integral part of our daily life. It helps us to connect with the outside world wherever we are. With social media, we keep in touch with our friends, family members, partners, etc. Social media has impacted us in many different ways, both positively and negatively.

Negative impacts of social media on personal injury claims

Personal injury cases are mostly filed by people who are going through physical pain or injuries and therefore seeking the cost of treatment for the injury and other damages associated with the pain and discomfort that comes with the injury. Medical experts are usually consulted to carry out the necessary test that attests to the claim. When you file a personal injury case, the first most important thing a lawyer will do is to check your social media pages to see if your claims contradict what’s on your profile.

For instance, you could say you have a sprained knee and then end up posting on social media that you’re going for a run or posted a video of you playing football. This contradicts your statement of having a sprained knee and can be therefore used against you. A claim can be disproved with your social media profile immediately making you lose out to the benefits of personal injury claims. The impact of social media on a personal injury case is usually negative.


Social media, as engaging and fun it could be, could also be our downfall. A lot of adults are addicted to social media making it indispensable to them. They post every minute of their lives regardless and forget about the negative impact social media could have on a pending case. Social media’s impact on a personal injury cannot be overemphasized. Social media can work against your claims especially when you file a personal injury case and end up doing the opposite of your statement online. When filing a personal injury lawsuit, limit what you post on social media and avoid posting stuff related to your case. And also tell your friends and family to limit their post about you or not post anything at all regarding your case.