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How Should I Dress For A Legal Proceeding?

So you have to attend a legal proceeding. Maybe it’s a deposition or a court hearing. Maybe you were a witness, or maybe it’s for any injury you sustained? Maybe you have jury duty coming up? At some point in all of our lives, we will all likely end up … Continue reading

Police Reports for Car Wrecks

If you were involved in a car accident in Texas where someone was injured, chances are the police were called and you were given a police report number. This police report is important for several reasons. First, the police report is going to give you all the other party’s information. … Continue reading

Ride Sharing: What If I Get Injured?

Ride- sharing is a fairly new, savvy, cutting edge, and popular mode of transportation that has broken out in the last decade, and has gained recent steam and the go-to choice of transportation for many young adults and millennials. According to the Oxford Dictionary, ride-sharing can be defined as an … Continue reading

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution that is an alternative to the traditional trial setting. Often times, cases that have been presented to a Court, will be directed to a form of alternative dispute resolution by the Judge, to see if the parties can resolve the issue amongst … Continue reading

What Insurance Company Should I Get?

As a personal injury attorney in Corpus Christi, Texas I deal with insurance companies all the time. I also have clients and friends ask me the Million Dollar Question, “What insurance company is the best?” All I am able to do is give them MY personal opinion of what companies … Continue reading

Sports Lawsuits – Believe It or Not

Lawsuits and sports do not typically go hand and hand. However, there are several instances when the two come together and the results can be quite amusing. Below are a few chosen sports lawsuits that are so incredible it is almost hard to believe they’re real. This is the “Ripley’s … Continue reading

Law Schools in Texas

There are a number of law schools in Texas that cater to all the needs of new and potential law students. Texas is one of the most populous states in the nation. With that fact, comes the benefit of a number of law schools that bolster the legal community, as … Continue reading

Dog Laws in Texas

It’s important to keep our dogs away from strangers no matter how friendly we think our pets may be. If you are not there with your dog and strangers may have access to him or her, you could be at risk of being sued if your dog attacks another person. … Continue reading

Full Coverage or “Fools” Coverage?

A great attorney and friend of mine once used the term “Fools” coverage to describe the act of an insurance company fooling a customer into believing they have more coverage than they actually do because of the usage of the word “Full” coverage.  Unfortunately, I have experienced many incidents when … Continue reading