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Do I Really Need To Wear A Seat Belt?

In short, YES, you need to wear a seat belt.  Here is why.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration seat belts saved an estimated 13,941 in 2015. Almost half of the over thirty-five thousand people killed in vehicle crashes in 2015 were not wearing seat belts.  The National … Continue reading

What is a Release?

There are certain legal buzzwords that attorneys throw around that the client may not fully understand. One of these legal words is a “Release”. But what is a release? What am I releasing? When does a release need to be signed? In short, a release is a legal document that … Continue reading

What are Request for Admissions?

Once the petition is filed, each side will serve the other with “Discovery”. Part of the discovery process involves what is called “Request for Admissions”, which according to Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 198.1, consists of a request that contains a statement sent from one party to the adverse party, … Continue reading

I’m on the Jury. Now what?

If a lawsuit can’t be settled before the trial date, it moves to court. In that case, attorneys have two main options: they can pay a jury fee and request a jury trial, or opt for a judge to decide the case. If you’re selected as a juror, you may … Continue reading

Know Your Rights: How Herrman and Herrman Can Help You Obtain Medical Bills under Texas Law

Navigating a hospital stay can be overwhelming. The stress of recovery, the uncertainty of medical bills, and the maze of hospital billing practices can leave anyone feeling lost. Herrman and Herrman Personal Injury Lawyers understand that, as a patient, you have the right to be informed about your hospital bills—and … Continue reading