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Injuries On the Job Caused by Equipment

Certain types of jobs pose a far higher risk to employees than others. Construction workers, oil rig workers, and miners are just a few of the occupations having a high risk of suffering from injuries. Accidents in the workplace can and do happen all the time. Equipment failure is a … Continue reading

How Hollywood Got Auto Accidents All Wrong

Action movies are indeed a treat to watch with their captivating scenes and insane effects. Enthusiasts and movie freaks tend to enjoy these graphic scenes as they get the adrenaline rushing and get the viewers on the edge of their seats. However, if you have ever been in a car … Continue reading

Texas Oil Workers Face High Risk of Injuries

Natural resource extraction has long been a vital part of the Texas economy. The work, though, is not without its hazards. Oil drilling accidents pose real dangers to rig and well workers. Too often, these accidents prove fatal. Nationwide, oil and gas extraction workers are eight times more likely to … Continue reading

Helping the Environment: Reducing our Carbon Footprint

It is without question that human beings depend heavily on their environment, and the resources it provides. For motor vehicles to operate properly, humans rely on the natural resource of oil to fuel transportation in the modern day. It is important to understand the relationship between the needs of human … Continue reading

How Do I Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

It happens to us all. At some point in our lives, we are more than likely going to be in a motor vehicle collision. Whether it’s your fault or not you’ll be forced to deal with the frustration of the incident, the property damage to your vehicle, and your bodily … Continue reading

Do I Have to Pay Taxes on My Settlement?

The quick answer is no. For the most part, personal injury settlements and awards are NOT taxed by the federal or state government, with a few exceptions. Once a case settles before litigation, or a resolution is reached at some point during the litigation process, the state nor the federal … Continue reading

Unfortunately, the legal landscape surrounding insurance claims can often be complex and frustrating, particularly when seeking recourse for damages incurred in accidents involving commercial vehicles. While one may be inclined to pursue legal action against an insurance company directly, the intricacies of the law dictate otherwise. In most cases, individuals … Continue reading