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Our Blog

In today’s interconnected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From tweeting and posting to blogging and gramming, we all engage with various platforms to share our experiences. While social media offers a great way to stay connected with friends and family and stay informed … Continue reading

Is Airplane Turbulence Dangerous?

The announcement of turbulence during a flight can send shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned travelers. It’s that unsettling reminder of our vulnerability while suspended thousands of feet above the ground, hurtling through the air at incredible speeds. Yet, despite the discomfort it may induce, turbulence is … Continue reading

When Do I Pay My Attorney Fee In My Personal Injury Case?

Most attorneys that take personal injury cases take those cases on a CONTINGENCY FEE basis. Herrman and Herrman, PLLC, like most Personal Injury law firms, get paid contingent upon the client getting paid. This means that Herrman and Herrman do not get paid unless the client gets paid from a settlement. In the scenario that we cannot find any insurance for the … Continue reading

Should I Call the Police After an Accident?

One of the more common questions individuals involved in a car accident have after the accident occurs is “should I call the police?” It is important to understand what Texas law dictates regarding the driver’s legal responsibilities should they be involved in a car accident, one of these being informing … Continue reading

Seven Tips to Be a Better Defensive Driver

Motor vehicle accidents and fatalities rose in Texas, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, along with accidents involving alcohol and speeding. While the facts are troubling, there are things you can do to keep you and your family safer. Here are seven tips to keep in mind: 1. … Continue reading

Bullet Train to Connect Oklahoma, Texas and Mexico

Texans know all too well the hassle of driving down I-35, especially during rush hour. Whether you are traveling through San Antonio, Austin, or Waco on through to Dallas, I-35 has become a congested and overused highway. With thousands of people moving to Texas each year, the state has become … Continue reading

No Laughing Matter: Amusement Parks and Injuries

Amusement parks, carnivals, and other venues have long been a popular source of entertainment for children in America and around the world. In the halcyon days of our youth, it often seemed as though those amusement parks were idyllic oases of pure joy providing the perfect escape from a world … Continue reading

Burn Injuries and What You Should Know

According to the American Burn Association, there are roughly 450,000 patients each year that receive hospital and emergency room treatment for a burn-related injury. Of these injuries, 3,400 deaths occur each year. Back in 2010, a fire-related death occurred every 169 minutes and an injury occurred every 30 minutes according … Continue reading