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Minimum Car Insurance Requirements

Many people who are injured in a motor vehicle collision often wonder, “Will I be compensated for all my injuries, and the associated pain and suffering?” The quick answer is, it depends. The most important factor in determining whether or not an injured party receives a fair amount of compensation … Continue reading

Personal Injury Lawyers: Beyond the Stereotypes

The stereotypes surrounding the legal profession have been a part of society for centuries. Lawyers have been despised or looked down upon in many cultures, in much the same way that tax collectors were viewed in ancient societies – not that the taxman’s reputation has improved much in the last … Continue reading

Deadly Texas Roads

Late last year, Texas Department of Transportation officials made note of a devastating statistic: the state had not had a single day without a fatality on its roads and highways for 15 years. For a decade and a half, at least one person died in automobile-related incidents each day – … Continue reading

Reservation of Rights Defense

The term “Reservation of Rights” is often heard in the context of auto insurance claims and coverage. This term can be confusing, and can often lead to frustrations for those trying to make a property and/or injury claim against an insurance carrier for damages sustained in a motor vehicle collision. … Continue reading

Newest Vehicle Safety Features For This Year

In 2024, the automotive industry is witnessing unprecedented advancements in safety technology, with manufacturers pushing the boundaries to enhance vehicle safety and mitigate the risks associated with driving. As technology continues to evolve, the emphasis on developing innovative safety features has become a focal point for car manufacturers. From advanced … Continue reading

Public Transportation in the Future

American highways have become congested, overcrowded, and dangerous for drivers in recent years. Cities have tried to build more roads and offer different lanes for different drivers yet it still seems to make no major impact. Due to the overwhelming amount of vehicles taking up space on the road and … Continue reading

Why You Ought to Get GAP Insurance

Like most drivers, you have probably heard many of the car ownership horror stories out there and wondered how many of the tales were true. For example, most people have heard or read about drivers who suffered a total loss collision soon after purchasing a vehicle and ended up owing … Continue reading

Safety Tips for Fishing in the Coastal Bend

Fishing is a pastime that is enjoyed by many people, particularly to those who live in the coastal bend. As a person who has enjoyed fishing and that has just moved to Corpus Christi, life has presented me with brand new opportunities to explore and try out new types of … Continue reading

Self-Driving Cars: Transportation of the Future

Transportation of the Future Transportation is at a critical and exciting stage right now that can potentially change the traditional way we get around. For the past several decades not much has changed in terms of how vehicles are made, until now. With Tesla and Google paving the way in … Continue reading