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Our Blog

Cycling around the Coastal Bend

Cycling in the Coastal Bend area offers an invigorating and scenic way to experience the beautiful surroundings of Corpus Christi. My average ride on my road bike starts near the downtown area and heads south toward the Texas A&M Corpus Christi campus. After riding down to the Corpus Christi Naval … Continue reading

Keep Your Teens Safer With Hum

Hum is designed by Verizon to help keep your teen safer when sitting behind the wheel. With motor vehicle accidents serving as the leading cause of death among teenagers, hum can serve as some form of relief to any parent whose teen is on the road. Hum serves as a … Continue reading

Flood Damage, Are You Covered?

With hurricane season in effect, it is important that you take the proper steps to ensure you are protected from any potential hazard. Comprehensive coverage covers a wide spectrum of potential physical damage claims such as windshield damage, damage from animals, vandalism, and much more. What is Comprehensive Coverage? Comprehensive … Continue reading

Rural Roads Twice as Dangerous

With over 675,000 total lane miles in Texas, the state leads in the number of accessible roads available for its drivers. While quite a large percentage of that belongs to major urban highways and roadways, a considerable amount also belongs to the state’s rural roads known as farm to market … Continue reading

Fourth of July Weekend Events in Corpus Christi

There is a bunch of exciting and family-friendly events happening in Corpus Christi this Fourth of July weekend. Concerts, parades, and much more will be happening across the Bayfront for those seeking to get out of the house and enjoy the summer’s largest firework show and get a taste of … Continue reading

Facts about Independence Day You May Not Know

This Independence Day before you cook those dogs, bake that American pie, or head out to the pool take a minute to remember why we celebrate this day. Below is a list of interesting facts you probably didn’t know about this 4th of July holiday. Which day is it? Author … Continue reading

Bar Safety

Fans of old western movies and television shows know that filmmakers often depict bar fights as natural things that patrons almost expect to happen on a nightly basis. Many of us have cheered as John Wayne or some other movie icon punched his way through a crowd of other rowdy … Continue reading

Liability in a Distracted Walking Incident

Imagine yourself crossing a street and being struck by a passing vehicle. From your perspective, the driver might seem to appear out of nowhere, collide with you, and cause you either temporary or permanent injury. The proper response would seem clear: you file a claim and the driver’s insurance company … Continue reading

What You Need To Know For Spring Break 2016!

One of the busiest and most anticipated weeks of the year, spring break has become an annual tradition for students, families, and tourists alike to travel across the United States. Many coastal cities make their home to countless visitors during spring break and profit beaucoup money because of it. Corpus … Continue reading