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What is a Moderated Settlement Conference?

Moderated Settlement Conference No one ever plans on getting into a car wreck, and a serious collision can have a negative lasting effect on a person or family. When a Plaintiff is injured, often times the costly and timely process of litigation can be avoided or seriously reduced with the … Continue reading

Technology to Prevent DUI’s & DWI’s

With millions of automobile accidents throughout the United States each year, traffic safety is a concern that has been given increasing attention over the last several decades. One area of major concern continues to be the high rate of incidents involving people who drink and drive. Over the last few … Continue reading

Automatic Emergency Braking Systems for New Cars

Saving Lives: Automatic Emergency Braking Systems for New Cars Since the invention of the automobile, traffic accidents have been a sad fact of life for Americans and others around the world. As the number of cars and trucks in the United States exploded in the Twentieth Century, so too did … Continue reading

History of Buc Days

Buc Days 2016 Driving down Ocean Drive in Corpus Christi, Texas you can’t help but notice the roller coasters, slides, tents, and rides when Buc Days is in town. If you’re new to Corpus Christi you may be asking, “What is Buc Days?” The Buc Days (short for “Buccaneer”) Festival … Continue reading

What Does New Data Reveal About Link Between Income Levels and Car Accidents?

In recent years, the number of car accident fatalities across the country has decreased. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that in the most recent year of complete traffic data, the number of fatalities on U.S. roadways continued a long-term downward trend. A significant factor contributing to the decreasing … Continue reading