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Driverless Car Accident in Texas: Who is Liable?

With driver error accounting for a significant portion of motor vehicle accidents in Texas and across the country, auto manufacturers have been working to develop driverless cars, which will transport passengers without any need for human control to guide the vehicle. The thinking goes that removing the element of human … Continue reading

Preventing Back Injuries In Your Workplace

Back pain can be debilitating, interfering with your ability to work, get around, and enjoy your usual activities. Many back injuries occur in the workplace, even with light-duty jobs. Some of them result from wear and tear over time. However, there are several ways you can reduce your risk of … Continue reading

Empresas de camiones protegidas si uno de sus conductores se accidenta en Texas

Miles de camiones comerciales viajan por las carreteras y autopistas de Texas todos los días. Desafortunadamente, esta concentración de actividad comercial hace que las carreteras de Texas sean especialmente peligrosas para los automovilistas. Cada año, casi 600 personas mueren y miles más resultan heridas en accidentes de camiones en Texas. … Continue reading

Trucking Companies in TX Won’t be Liable If Their Driver Hits You

Thousands of commercial trucks travel on Texas roads and highways every day. Unfortunately, this concentration of commercial activity makes Texas roads especially dangerous for motorists. Every year, nearly 600 people die and thousands more are injured in Texas truck accidents. When victims are injured due to the negligence of truck … Continue reading