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How to Make a Dog Bite Claim

Dogs are often referred to as man’s best friend, but at times, they are not so friendly. When you get bitten by a dog, the results are typically mild. However, if the dog bite is especially severe and it is from a dog that is not your own, you may … Continue reading

Cómo Evitar los Puntos Ciegos de Automóviles y Camiones en la Carretera este Año

A medida que las circunstancias que rodean los cierres pandémicos y los refugios en el lugar comiencen a evolucionar, muchos más conductores tomarán la carretera. Sin embargo, a pesar de lo emocionados que estamos por volver a nuestra vida normal, también debemos recordar que nuestra vida normal conlleva un riesgo considerable, … Continue reading

La pérdida de una extremidad por amputación es extremadamente traumática y a menudo se la denomina legalmente como una lesión catastrófica. Si ha perdido una extremidad en un trágico accidente, es muy posible que tenga derecho a una compensación económica por sus lesiones. Si usted o un ser querido ha sufrido una … Continue reading

Causes of Aircraft Crashes in Brownsville

Travel by air in the U.S. is generally safe considering how few accidents there are compared to the tens of thousands of airplanes that fly every day. However, when something does go wrong, the risk of injury and death is obvious. While commercial airline disasters are national news, numerous general … Continue reading

How do Texas Courts Define “Pain and Suffering”?

In many personal injury or negligence cases, the party that has incurred a personal injury is eligible to recover financial damages from what is known as “pain and suffering” as a result of their injury or injuries. This is typically classified as “non-economic damage” as opposed to economic damage. Pain … Continue reading