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Texas A&M Kingsville Received $5 million Grant

Texas A&M University Kingsville has received a $5 million grant to start a Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology for sustainable water use. The 5-year grant from the National Science Foundation will kickstart a program to research and collaborate on creating sustainable water in an ever-changing climatic setting … Continue reading

Hidalgo County Sheriff Takes A Stance Against Terrorism

With the recent unfortunate events that occurred in El Paso, Greg Abbot Governor of Texas has formed a new task force regarding Domestic Terrorism. This task force will alleviate this frightening issue that has devastated so many. Hidalgo County Sheriff, Eddie Guerra, is officially one of the 18 members chosen … Continue reading

  ¿Sabe usted las principales preguntas antes de contratar a un abogado de accidentes? Hay un millón de preguntas que pudiera hacer, pero hemos compilado una lista de las preguntas que le darán la información más importante. ¿Cuáles casos a usted representado que hayan sido similares al mío?  Usted quiere … Continue reading

Qué hacer después de un accidente de camión en Texas

Los residentes de Texas están familiarizados con los numerosos camiones comerciales y remolques de tractores en las carreteras de nuestro estado. Lo que es menos conocido, pero fácil de entender, es que en Texas ocurren el mayor número de accidentes de camiones que en cualquier otro estado del país. De … Continue reading

Entre 20 y 50 millones de personas sufren anualmente lesiones o discapacidades debido a accidentes en vehículos motorizados. Afortunadamente, si un conductor negligente le ha causado lesiones serias, está dentro de sus derechos buscar una compensación económica por sus lesiones si presenta un reclamo por lesiones personales.  A continuación, presentamos … Continue reading

The new Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) was recently brought together for the Rio Grande Valley. The organization is already facing pressure from the public to be the association that will put this plan into motion bringing a second causeway to South Padre Island. With the projected growth and expansion of … Continue reading

The Danger of Having a Heatstroke

Between the months of June and August, average high temperatures in Texas enter the danger zone and exceed 90-degrees Fahrenheit, and with that comes the risk of having a heat stroke. While most people think of Texas as a place where warm weather is a constant, residents and visitors to … Continue reading

At Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., the ethos of excellence extends far beyond mere accolades—it’s a way of life. As the recipient of the 2019 10 Best Personal Injury Law Firm for Client Satisfaction in Texas by the esteemed American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys (AIOPIA), their recognition underscores a legacy … Continue reading