Corpus Christi Daycare Abuse Lawyer

Daycare Child Abuse Cases
When we drop our children of at a daycare center, we are trusting the daycare to provide the same level of protection and care as we as parents do. Parents should be able to trust daycare facilities, nannies, schools, and babysitters to provide the care their children need. Unfortunately, neglect and abuse in schools and daycare centers are far too common throughout Texas.
Many of these cases go unnoticed and unknown for a long time because children are unable or unwilling to talk about it with their parents or other adults.
From neglect due to a lack of supervision, to direct physical or sexual abuse, it is critical to understand the warning signs of this maltreatment and to speak with someone who can help if you believe this kind of treatment is happening to your child.
At Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., our personal injury attorneys can provide the answers and help that you and your family need. Our law firm has extensive experience in personal injury law, having handled more than 20,000 cases. We have office locations in Ft. Worth, Brownsville, McAllen, Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi South Side, San Antonio, and Houston. Herrman & Herrman has Spanish-speaking and English-speaking staff so you can discuss your legal matter in the language that you feel most comfortable speaking.
How Can You Tell Daycare Abuse?
It can be difficult to tell if a child has been abused. Warnings signs may include bruises with no explanation, extreme behaviors, less communication, unusual behavior or fright toward returning to daycare, and many others.
There can be physical symptoms and behavioral changes which indicate when abuse is taking place. These can all be indications of whether that abuse is physical, emotional, or sexual in nature.
If you have noticed these and/or other warning signs, it is advisable to contact an attorney who will make sure you and your child’s rights are protected.
Choosing a Daycare Provider
For many parents, a perfect world would mean staying home with their young children while still having financial stability. Realistically, parents have to work even harder and put in long hours to afford the steep prices of child care.
Child care is essential for many working families, especially for children of preschool age or younger and statistics reflect the need and popularity of using child care for young children. In the most recent United States Census Bureau report from 2011, 32.7 million children were in regular child care arrangements while parents worked or participated in other activities outside of the home.
When parents choose a daycare facility, whether big or small, they base their decisions on convenience, cost, reputation, and above all, a place they can trust. Unfortunately, some daycare facilities are not as trusting or caring as they initially appear to be.
Children of any age, who are enrolled in childcare, may be vulnerable to abuse and neglect. Whether a child is being mistreated by one caregiver or children are being mistreated by the entire staff, it may be difficult to tell when child abuse is occurring.
At Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., we advocate for families who are seeking answers and representation during a difficult time. We are experienced and prepared to protect your child against the neglect and mistreatment he or she has experienced in the hands of someone you thought you could trust.
Found these Common Signs of Daycare Abuse? Consult a Daycare Abuse Lawyer for Legal Assistance.
As a parent, you have created a strong and trusting bond with your young child and he or she most likely tells you everything. However, if your child is a victim of daycare abuse he most likely doesn’t have the words to explain what is happening or he may be too afraid to tell you about the mistreatment.
While every parent trusts that their child’s daycare is a safe and happy environment, parents should be aware of any changes in their child’s behavior or appearance as they may indicate abuse.
Some signs of child abuse may reflect a specific type of abuse, but keep in mind that even if you don’t find physical evidence, it doesn’t mean your child is ok. You know your child better than anyone, so pay attention to any changes and monitor them seriously as they could be an indication of troubling or painful things happening when you are not around.
Possible Behavioral Signs & Physical Symptoms of an Abused Child
- Visible Bruises or Injuries:
Young children are active and are prone to bruises and scrapes during everyday play or activities. However, bruises to soft tissue areas, such as a face, buttocks, or thighs may be indicative of intentional abuse. Distinctly shaped bruises or marks on the body may also indicate physical abuse.
- Behavioral Changes:
While children, who are being abused, may have a difficult time communicating or reporting their incidences of abuse, behavioral changes can be an indicator of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse at a daycare. An abused child may become more aggressive or more fearful. Additionally, a child may suddenly resist or throw a tantrum when it’s time to go to daycare or show an unexplained fear of adults.
- Unexplained Illness:
A sexually abused child may have unexplained urinary tract infections or yeast infections. Additionally, a child may complain that he or she doesn’t feel well or insists that he has a headache or a stomachache.
Children, who are abused at daycare, may exhibit any number of symptoms or signs. The best thing a parent can do is monitor their child closely and take any changes seriously. If you suspect abuse, talk with your spouse or partner and with parents of children who attend the same daycare facility.
If you believe that your child has been abused at daycare, contact the child protective services agency, department of human services, or law enforcement in your area. If your child exhibits evidence of abuse, visit a doctor as they are trained to observe signs of abuse. As much information as you can collect can be helpful if you decide to consult a daycare abuse attorney.
Contact our Corpus Christi daycare abuse attorney for a no-obligation-free consultation.
Protect your child’s rights and get the support you deserve if you believe your child is being abused. Please contact us at Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. Call our Corpus Christi office or McAllen office at 844-426-3000.
Our firm has offices in the following locations: Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi South Side, Brownsville, McAllen, San Antonio, Houston, and Ft. Worth , TX.